Mini Update to my Website

I haven't made any updates to my website in a while, (since last December, yikes!) and my work has grown quite a lot this year. I added some more current Marker work, better images of my paper dolls and a few pages from my upcoming coloring book, The Anti-Adulting Coloring Book.

Marker Illustrations: 

I did some marker studies of Masked women, the bunny mask was quickly a favorite. What do you think of it?

I updated the photos of my paper dolls and added more images.

The coloring book is almost here! added a few images from it to my website, enjoy the sneak peek!

Take some time & have a look at my updated site! Comment below and let me know what you like about it!


Music That Inspires Me Right Now

I need music. 

There is no way that I could go a day without listening to some kind of music, or singing to myself or even making up random songs. I love listening to music probably as much as I love to draw, maybe more. However I am not musically talented. I can sing, but not well. I have known how to play Heart and Soul and Lean on Me on the piano since elementary school, with one finger and very slowly. That’s been the extent of my musical training. I bet with some extensive training, I could learn the acoustic guitar and write some ballads someday. HA!! It could happen...

Those that can’t do, listen. Is that the saying? I listen to music while I’m driving, drawing, showering, doing laundry, cleaning. Sometimes I find myself watching tv and wondering what that noise is in the background. Oh. My phone is still playing music… It really is the soundtrack to my life.

I put together a Spotify Playlist of the songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I listen to a lot of different music while i'm drawing or painting or making earrings and dolls. The music inspires what i'm creating. It also keeps me going, I can create for hours with the right playlist or album playing. The music I'm obsessed with changes A LOT, as i discover new artists or even old ones I've never heard before. 

A few of the songs on this playlist

A few of the songs on this playlist

Here's a link to the playlist on Spotify, take a listen:

Do you listen to music when you're creating? Or do you need silence, or the TV or a Podcast? Tell me about it in the comments! If you've already subscribed to the newsletter, Curls & Markers, thanks for your support! If you've got your free coloring page, Color it in and share it to your social media accounts! Tag @keghazillus on IG and Twitter or Facebook: Keghaznavi Illustration. Use the Hashtag #antiadultingKG
I can't wait to see the colored pages!!

You can still get a free coloring page before the coloring book is published, just sign up for the Newsletter here and get a printable sheet!
